Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nele's Birthday Party!

The 22nd was Nele's birthday party, I made brunch for the family, my grandpa's recipe for French Toast. Then she had 5 other 11/12 year olds come over. Yes I stayed in my room in the basement because all you could hear were 6 11/12 year olds running around screaming! But I came up for dinner and to watch the Men in Black trilogy. The next day was Nele's birthday. We woke the kids up at 7 to have Nele open presents and eat cake for breakfast! They wanted me to get into the games that day so I dunked for an apple, and had some kids, while blindfolded, feed me whipped cream. I ended up with whipped cream IN my nose AND eye!!! I couldn't eat lunch I was full from whipped cream!! 
Nele feeding me...

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