From the 9th of February until the 14th I was in Munich for a YFU seminar. We were actually in a little village called Possenhofen. It was about 40 minutes with subway. It was so nice to see everyone from the airport in Chicago, to the people I met in the 3 weeks in Flensburg. It's been so long! For most of the week we talked about our host families and our language skills. The first night we introduced ourselves and played some warm up games. That Monday was SOOOO long! We did so much group work. But we got to see the mountains. They looked like someone painted them in the background. They were so unbelievably beautiful. My friend and I stood in the crystal clear water, and it was so freakin cold! I was fine with the group work, but I was getting so tired, and I didn't understand everything so I got really frustrated with myself, and just felt really bad. But things got better, when some of the kids and I started talking about funny youtube videos. I almost peed myself laughing so hard! On Tuesday we went to Munich! We had only 15 minutes to eat breakfast. We separated into all different groups. My group started with the BMW manufacture. It was super cool because we got a tour, so we actually got to see the machines putting the cars together, and putting paint on them and everything! We had Pizza Hut tasted like home. It was amazing! Then we headed to the Allianz Arena, the soccer field. We got to tour it, and see where the players locker room is and where they chill in a hot tub afterward the games. it was actually really interesting. Then we only had 20 minutes to go through the German Museum. My friend and I ran through three levels and saw everything that we wanted to! After with our little group we went and ate Doener. Yummm! Then we got together as a large group and had a tour of the city. Our tour guide..I can't even explain her. She was weird but not too weird. She was funny at times, and made it really interesting. Wednesday we were back in the city but we were all alone without YFU people. We got into groups and did a scavenger hunt in the city. WE basically got to do what we wanted. We actually got to see where Sophie Schiller and her brother threw the papers in the university! We came back and had a movie pajama party! We all got into our pajamas, and watched a movie! It was really cool. On Thursday we did a little bit of group work, and then we all went our different ways because we were throwing a party for us and we had to get things together. Some went grocery shopping, I stayed back and worked on the slideshow. We had fun looking through the pictures and just hung our for a couple of hours. The party started off with embarrassing stories. My favorite was from Jack, he when to go say Entschuldigung (excuse me) to someone because he accidentally ran into him, but he accidentally said Enchilada, and another woman said "Enchilada? I love that animal!!" Oh my god that was so freakin funny!!! Then we had a little "dance party" where we were just being stupid the whole time. Then my slideshow, and then we played a couple games. First caputre the flag and the sardiens. Then it was off to bed. The week went by so fast! But we see everyone again in May, so it's not too bad! But it was a really good time with everyone!
Tour Guide |
Allianz Arena |
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