Then comes 24th! Merry Christmas Eve! We went to church and sang a little, then came home for some cake and coffee. We didn't have to wait till after dinner and all the dishes were clean to open presents! When we were eating Santa came and left to large sacks of presents by our front door. After eating then we opened presents. I got a lot of bath stuff for a spa day, a beautiful watch, and a Räuchermann. Its a small figure that you light these scented things in and the smoke comes out of his mouth. The direct translation is smoking man. I also had a small package from my grandparents, and they sent me my favorite lotion, some candy, a "map" of some of my ancestors that come from a town near Dresden, and a cute necklace charm. That was really nice! As my family was opening their present from their daughter, who is in the USA, I saw pictures on facebook my mom posted of the tree, and a video of my family saying I love you and miss you and thank you for the gifts, I got a blow of homesickness. It's really normal especially this time of year. But I got to skype with them the next day so it was good. In my American family we have a tradition that on the 24th we get new pj's and on the 25th we stay in our pj's the entire day. So my German family helped keep up that tradition. We got new pj's and had a lazy pj day! It was nice for me because I got sick on the 24th, and did not feel up to changing into real clothes.
The rest of Christmas break was pretty relaxed. We didn't' do much, which was fine because I wasn't feeling up to do anything.